Metro Weekly

Search results for "equality act"

  • Storied Lives

    Moises Kaufman Moises Kaufman enjoys telling stories. He especially enjoys telling stories about how we tell stories. The Venezuelan-born, gay playwright and director says narrative...

  • Stale Air

    So, here's what I've been struggling with lately: I'm 42 at the moment and will all-too-soon turn 43. It's not my age that's nagging me...

  • History Repeating

    There's a project I'm working on that is fascinating me. It involves scanning loads of old photos. One, in particular, is captivating. My late Uncle...

  • Wrestling with the Truth

    Some people are very guarded when it comes to their personal space. Donna Rose is not one of them. Instead, she likes to hug. Her...

  • No Time to Stop

    There's a strange and unsettling mood floating around these days after the shellacking delivered to Democrats by Republicans in the midterm elections. It's not unexpected,...

  • We Fight On

    With all due respect to Log Cabin Republicans, who welcomed the new House majority last week, getting pro-gay legislation out of soon-to-be Speaker John Boehner...

  • DOMA Taking More Hits

    The Defense of Marriage Act faced a two-pronged attack on Nov. 9 as two separate organizations and sets of lawyers, representing different plaintiffs, filed lawsuits...

  • GLAD Expands DOMA Challenge to Include State, Private Company Consequences of DOMA

    As reported on Monday night by Metro Weekly, the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders filed a lawsuit today challenging the application of the Defense...

  • Double Dose of DOMA Challenges

    The Defense of Marriage Act is due for a two-pronged attack on Tuesday, as two separate organizations and sets of lawyers, representing different plaintiffs, plan...

  • HRC Hits Back Against “Background Noise” On DADT Repeal

    In the past 24 hours, several media outlets have reported on the possibility of a version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) moving forward...

  • Slim Pickings

    I spent my Tuesday evening looking for bright spots. Not bright spots like, ''Thank you, Lord, for not sending Christine O'Donnell to the Senate or...

  • The Republican Wave

    Midterm elections often chip away at the governing majority's rule – sometimes casting out whole chunks of that majority. This year, however, a rough quarter...

  • Looking Locally

    In the District of Columbia – a vastly Democratic jurisdiction – the real excitement is September's Democratic primary. When Vincent Gray secured the party's nomination...

  • Résumé Reveal

    A few years ago, Riley Folds applied for a job at a company with a poor reputation toward gays and lesbians. He debated how of...

  • In Iowa, Judges Are Ousted

    In Iowa, which declared Iowa’s marriage ban unconstitutional under the state’s constitution in 2009, the National Organization for Marriage got one of its first electoral...