Metro Weekly

Search results for "equality act"

  • Generation Last

    Carl Paladino really is the unwanted gift that keeps on giving, a politician whose every apology leads to another apology in a recursive loop that...

  • No Place Safe

    Ben Carver is not talking to the press. But in a nearly 1,700-word Oct. 5 blog post on, the D.C. resident describes how he...

  • Stein Offers Awards

    There's certainly cause to celebrate, says Gertrude Stein Democratic Club President Jeffrey Richardson of the group's upcoming annual awards reception on Oct. 28. ''We're really...


    U.S. District Court Judge Virginia A. Phillips has suspended enforcement of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”...

  • Twelve Years Ago, Lessons for Today

    On the evening of October 11, 1998, NPR’s Daniel Zwerdling began telling a story on All Things Considered that would become a part of the...

  • Stating the “State of Play”

    More than 10 hours of interview time covering interviews with the leaders of 15 LGBT organizations that have a national scope or impact. One magazine...

  • Stand Against Criminalization

    On the weekend of Sept. 25, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) raided a hotel in Northwest in a prostitution-related sting. MPD has confirmed that six...

  • State of Play

    Mara Keisling, the executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, had a key legislative priority for the 111th

  • View from the Hill

    On April 21, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) called Get Equal's protest of a hearing held by House Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller (D-Calif.)...

  • Looking at the “State of Play”

    This week’s Metro Weekly‘s cover story — out Thursday — is a detailed look at many of the LGBT organizations that...

  • Awaiting the Grand Gesture

    In the coming weeks and months, the Obama administration, through the Department of Justice, will face multiple decisions about whether and how to appeal trial...

  • A Log Cabin Evening [video]

    The Log Cabin Republicans held its national dinner on Sept. 22 at the Capitol Hill Club, where the group honored Sen. John Cornyn and Rep....

  • A Lasting Impression

    President Barack Obama would like you to be impressed with his progress on repealing the military ban on open gay and lesbian servicemembers. ''Here, I've...

  • Wonderful Wins

    The fight for gay equality at home and on the battlefield won encouraging court victories last week. In a case brought by ACLU of Washington...

  • Father Figure

    Joseph Palacios is a man of God. He's also a doctor of sociology, a Mexican American, a Fulbright scholar, a presidential appointee on the board...