Metro Weekly

Search results for "equality act"

  • Another Failure

    To look on the bright side of the failure of ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' repeal this week in the Senate, when you're used to being...

  • Go with Gods

    We have certainly come a long way, baby. From stone tools to space stations to oil spills, there is no doubting our species's technological evolution....

  • The Boots and the Message

    In 2006, Jim Webb, the former Navy Secretary to President Reagan, had become a Democratic and was running to unseat Sen. George Allen (R-Va.), in...

  • Boot Tales

    In 2006, Jim Webb, the former Navy Secretary to President Reagan, had become a Democratic and was running to unseat Sen. George Allen (R-Va.), in...

  • Reid Files Cloture to Proceed on Defense Bill Containing DADT Repeal Amendment

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) today filed for cloture on the motion to proceed to debate the National Defense Authorization Act, which contains the...

  • Music: Classical and Opera

    ARTISPHERE 1101 Wilson Blvd.Arlington, Aurora Opera Theater — The Secret Marriage (10/15-23, Spectrum Theatre) National Chamber Ensemble — NCE celebrates the bicentennial of Chopin...

  • The Hard Road

    'Tis the season for hyperbole and panic. How else to explain claims from some LGBT quarters that absolutely nothing has been done to advance LGBT...

  • Battening the Hatches

    If the Republican Party regains control of Congress on Nov. 2, already-stalled pro-gay legislation would be dead — at least barring an uncharacteristically bold lame-duck...

  • D.C.'s Gray Day

    The results may not be final, but they have been accepted: Council Chair Vincent Gray has secured the Democratic nomination to run for D.C. mayor...

  • Thomas Trounces Hunter

    On Tuesday, Sept. 14 – with a wide swath of primary elections across the country – the National Organization for Marriage focused its attention on...

  • The Presidential News Conference, And What I Didn’t Ask

    Although it was exciting to consider the possibility that I might ask President Obama a question at today’s news conference in the East Room of...

  • Many Steps to a First Step

    Dana Beyer, a candidate for Maryland House of Delegates, is one of six candidates seeking the Democratic nomination to represent District 18, which includes Wheaton,...

  • The Remainders

    The chances of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act being signed into law before the start of the 112th Congress in January 2011 are extraordinarily slim due...

  • Booth Buddy

    Parties and Places Bounty of different ballots mark D.C. primaries Washingtonians have a reputation for living and breathing politics. Certainly that's more true for some...

  • The New Yorker Goes To C Street … Without a Map

    If you don’t follow Jim Burroway and the work of the folks at Box Turtle Bulletin on Uganda’s anti-gay activity — most notably the proposed...