Metro Weekly

Search results for "equality act"

  • October's Advance

    There’s a ticking time bomb on the Equality Across America Web site. At least, that's how some local activists, like Michael Crawford, might view the...

  • Hitting Out

    Every sport has its hallowed grounds and those few athletes who have the good fortune and great talent to compete on them. In tennis, few...

  • DC Coalition Stirring

    When it comes to cities known for vibrant, black-GLBT communities, D.C. routinely sits in the upper tier. DC Black Pride, for example, is the world's...

  • Pulling Together

    In politics, as in life, we have to seize our moments. The current political moment belongs to Barack Obama and the Democrats. Obama’s polling numbers...

  • No Safe Zone

    It took him 18 months of paperwork, pulling bureaucratic strings, and making calls, but ''Hussam'' finally made it to New York, little more than a...

  • Cruel Countdown

    One way to look at bi-national couples, couples of differing nationalities, is as a booming business. Enter ''mail order brides'' into nearly any search engine...

  • Bias Ball

    It's Monday, July 13, and Sonia Sotomayor has begun her Senate hearings. My guess is that she will soon be named to the Supreme Court....

  • Sowing Success

    The authors of the Dallas Principles, a proposed set of core values for achieving LGBT equality, have been criticized for their invitation-only meeting at a...

  • Gay & Lesbian Marriages Now Legal In DC! (in a roundabout way)

    ”That kind of stuff, it really matters — wills and inheritance rights, making sure that the laws reflect what our relationship is. It feels good...

  • Executive Exchange

    Following weeks of criticism from gay activists, bloggers and political leaders, President Barack Obama welcomed more than 275 members of the GLBT community to a...

  • Principles and Pragmatism

    IT IS SOMETIMES DONE with baby steps, other times with great leaps, and every so often it's done in circles. Still, advocates and enemies alike...

  • Senator Dodd shifts from civil unions to full support of gay marriage

    ”While I’ve long been for extending every benefit of marriage to same-sex couples, I have in the past drawn a distinction between a marriage-like status...

  • Referendum Wrap-Up

    Over the past several weeks, Bishop Harry Jackson, senior pastor at Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Md., has been speaking, rallying and even officiating a...

  • Celebrating a Movement

    ''I'll never forget this moment the rest of my life,'' a beaming RuPaul shouted last Sunday from the Capital Pride main stage. With the Capitol...

  • Pro-Gay, Pro-Choice

    As night fell on May 31, the candlelight vigils around the country for the murdered Dr. George Tiller included one at Dupont Circle. Several dozen...