Metro Weekly

Search results for "equality act"

  • Bob Summersgill

    When it comes to super heroes, the stories are all the more compelling when they've taken a beating. Maybe the same holds for Capital Pride...

  • Capital Pride Events

    Thursday, June 12 Bachelor Auction Remingtons 639 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 9 p.m. Metro: Eastern Market Hosted by Destiny B. Childs. Bid on some of D.C.'s...

  • The Happy Homo

    A few weeks ago, I wrote a Mother's Day tribute to women who, aside from my mother, have had pivotal, maternal influence on me. I...

  • Parental Rights

    Equal rights advocates in Virginia praised the Virginia Supreme Court's Friday, June 6, decision securing a non-biological mother's visitation rights to her 6-year-old daughter. The...

  • Battlefield Montgomery

    Equality Maryland announced June 10 that it has raised $50,000 to support Basic Rights Montgomery, a coalition formed to preserve the county's transgender anti-discrimination law....

  • Barack Obama supports LGBT Pride

    ”I am proud to join with our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered brothers and sisters in celebrating the accomplishments, the lives, and the families of...

  • Metro DC PFLAG

    It's hard to miss the Metro D.C. PFLAG contingent as they march along the Capital Pride Parade route. This collection of parents, family and friends...

  • Human Rights Campaign

    The country's largest civil rights organization, which seeks to improve the lives of GLBT Americans by advocating for equal rights and benefits in the workplace,...

  • Arlington Gay and Lesbian Alliance (AGLA)

    When it comes to Washington's GLBT community, Virginia isn't just a place that lies across the Potomac -- it's a full and vibrant part of...

  • Festival Booths

    As of press time. Subject to change. 30+ DC Lesbian Singles 4 Seasons Grille Time AARP-PRiSM Network Accenture Acuvue 1-Day Moist Adventuring Affirmation: Gay &...

  • Calendar: Week in Pride

    As of press time. Subject to change without notice. Tuesday, June 10 LGBT Friendly Lecture and Happy Hour 2142 Wyoming Ave. NW 6:30 p.m. A...

  • Official Pride Events

    Official Events As of Press Time. Please note: Times are approximate. Performers and schedule subject to change without notice. Monday, June 9 Mr/Miss Capital Pride...

  • 2008 Capital Pride Heroes

    Each year, the Capital Pride Planning Committee selects a number of individuals to honor as ''Capital Pride Heroes.'' These six honorees have made extraordinary efforts...

  • A Day at the circus

    There I was late Saturday in Washington's historic Wardman Park Hotel -- once used as a set for the film Advise and Consent -- waiting...

  • Budding Prides

    Unity might be key in celebrating Capital Pride. There is, however, also something special about celebrating what might set a group apart, says SaVanna Wanzer,...