According to figures posted by the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics, the District of Columbia counts about 330,000 registered voters. About 90 percent of...
I don't remember counting down the days before an election the way I'm doing this year. Others are doing the same thing. Last Friday night...
Larry Allen's parents did not panic when they heard he was going to spend a year and a half working in Iraq. ''My mom and...
”We’ve actually tried to address issues that haven’t changed. It’s been ten years. Why haven’t things progressed further than they have?… The level of ignorance...
”As a result of not being able to match dollar for dollar, we have seen a change.” Geoff Kors, of Equality California, pleading for more...
All the talk of mavericks during the Oct. 2 vice presidential debate started me humming the theme from The Magnificent Seven. There they are, a...
Harvey Milk, one of the pivotal figures in the gay-rights movement, will soon have his brilliant but too-short life and career depicted on the big...
Here comes autumn. With it come two holidays that remind me of a large part of our American heritage, for better and worse: Thanksgiving, celebrating...
”It would be an abomination in the Tampa area if someone was to say that , especially a representative of the NAACP,...
When the stakes in an election are high and our chances of victory are quite good, we can become so invested in winning that we...
”Because no one has the right to deny another their life, even though they disagree with it, because everyone has the right to live the...
I'm sick of the phony reasons some gay people give for opposing Barack Obama. I am not talking about my friends in Log Cabin Republicans,...
The nearly yearlong struggle to implement Montgomery County's anti-discrimination law inclusive of gender identity -- blocked by Citizens for Responsible Government (CRG) following the law's...
”You’ll be encouraged by the power of God’s love and His desire to transform the lives of those impacted by homosexuality.” From an insert of...
Born just a few months apart and thousands of miles from each other, both John Aravosis and Andrew Sullivan today call Washington home. And both...