Metro Weekly

Search results for "equality act"

  • Defining a Foe

    Continuing its series of ''town hall'' style forums to discuss methamphetamine use in Washington, the D.C. Crystal Meth Working Group (CMWG) Monday evening, Feb. 26,...

  • Local News Briefs

    Virginia Legislative Session wraps Sarah Gustafson, president of Equality Fairfax, says she is ''pleased'' with the outcome of Virginia's 2007 legislative session, which convened Jan....

  • Home Sweet Home

    In the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, talk often turns to real estate. The same could be said for most of the county, if not the...

  • State of the Movement

    Nearly 100 people gathered at the Human Rights Campaign's headquarters on Tuesday, Feb. 20, for the D.C. Chapter of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists...

  • Woman in the Life

    Sheila Alexander-Reid is a little shaken when she arrives to be interviewed. She explains that earlier in the day, she found signs on her car,...

  • OHR Head Speaks to Stein Democrats

    Gustavo F. Velasquez, recently confirmed director of the D.C. Office of Human Rights, spoke at the regular monthly meeting of the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club...

  • Gays Win Some, Lose Some in Virginia Legislature

    A bill that ensures hospital-visitation rights for same-gender couples in Virginia has passed the House of Delegates by a unanimous vote, and will be voted...

  • Maryland Lobby Day

    At first glance, there may seem to be a romantic subtext to scheduling the annual Equality Maryland Lobby Day -- for the past several years...

  • Face to Face

    Virginia may have passed one of the nation's most restrictive constitutional amendments banning gay marriage and civil unions last November, but that hasn't slowed down...

  • Local News: A Look Back at 2006

    History Boy Kameny (Photo by Todd Franson) THE LIBRARY OF Congress opened its sanctified shelves of Americana in October, making way for the addition of...

  • Local Politics: A Look Back at 2006

    Ballot Boxes Fenty IT MAY HAVE seemed like a political gimmick when Adrian Fenty ran his months-long campaign focusing on knocking on just about ever...

  • 2007 Year in Preview

    All dates are subject to change at the organizer's discretion. For more detailed information as the dates for events come closer, contact the event organizer...

  • From D.C., with Love

    Romantic relationships are often fraught with pitfalls and puzzlement -- gay relationships often more so, given social stigmas and bureaucratic obstacles. Sometimes, the added difficulties...

  • The Year in Pictures 2006

    Don't miss the Letter from the Publisher, too.   January · HRC's L Word Premiere Party

  • Correction

    ''One More Step: Gay marriage gets its day in Maryland's high court,'' (12/7) incorrectly reported that 17 people -- one widower and eight couples --...