Metro Weekly

Search results for "equality act"

  • Roll Over

    News broke slowly last week about the American Family Association's announcement that it would call off its planned boycott of Ford Motor Company. Donald E....

  • Sense in Advertising

    If we do better than expected when Texans vote on an anti-gay marriage amendment on Nov. 8, much credit should go to the National Gay...

  • At Home in the Old Dominion

    There comes a moment when you realize you're doing something right. For Virginia State Del. Adam Ebbin (D), the moment came near the end of...

  • Setting the Course

    The Wednesday opening reception aside, when attendees of the National Black Justice Coalition's first Black LGBT Leaders Summit sat down to business early Thursday morning,...

  • Reaching the Summit

    In December 2003, a handful of leaders from the GLBT African-American community banded together to challenge support from African American religious and civil rights leaders...

  • Arnold's Legacy

    There's no putting lipstick on this pig. Unless he changes his mind, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will become the first executive anywhere in the world...

  • DeBoldly Going

    Susan Hester calls Kathleen DeBold ''Mautner's Miracle.'' ''She thinks about the Mautner Project in every waking hour,'' marvels Hester, the lesbian health organization's founding executive...

  • Community Building

    Much of metropolitan Washington's community is from elsewhere. Michael Sessa, raised in a thoroughly Italian-American neighborhood in Boston's Revere suburb is no exception. Traces of...

  • Why Iran Matters

    A friend and I were recently shooting the breeze over a pot of coffee when he asked me a question that stopped me in my...

  • Cutting through the Static

    F. Scott Fitzgerald was famously wrong in his declaration, ''There are no second acts in American lives.'' Americans, particularly those in the public eye, have...

  • Proud Moments

    Every June for the last 30 years, the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area has celebrated pride with energy and enthusiasm. Whether it was a few hundred...

  • Losing Sight of Freedom

    Following the recent celebration of our 30th Capital Pride, it's worth reflecting how far we've come and at what cost. In 1975, ''gay liberation'' activists...

  • Charting the Course of Pride

    Thirty years ago, Deep Throat was a national mystery, gays and lesbians were a marginalized community under attack, and gay pride was a new idea...

  • Against the Current

    The nation's capital yearns to be orderly. Ever since Pierre Charles L'Enfant's dream for this difficult and confusing city came to life, it seems the...

  • 2005 Parade Participants

    In alphabetical order, as of press time. Subject to change. Saturday, June 11, rain or shine. Stepoff is 6:30 p.m. at 23rd & P Streets...