If measure gathers enough signatures, it will either end up before the legislature or on the 2020 ballot
95% of studies reviewed showed a link between discrimination and its impact on mental and physical health
AGs say barring transgender people from spaces matching their gender identity serves "no legitimate interests"
Lawsuit alleges being housed in men's prisons puts trans female inmates at risk of rape and abuse
Court calls rule allowing health care workers to deny certain types of care "a classic solution in search of a problem"
Rule allows child placement agencies to receive taxpayer money while discriminating against prospective parents
Texas teacher claims he was fired for being gay.
Archdiocese claims it has a right to hire employees who will adhere to Catholic doctrine
Ashley Menchaca claims she was harassed and discriminated against because of her sexual orientation
On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a pair of cases that could have historic implications for the civil rights of the LGBTQ...
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey says he's more interested in 'repealing laws' than expanding discrimination protections to gay people
The Stafford County School Board has approved two new policies that prohibit discrimination against students and staff in the county’s schools based on sexual orientation...
Ordinance updates existing ordinance to strengthen the powers of the city's Human Rights Commission
Thousands have opposed an HHS rule that would remove protections in the Affordable Care Act
El Tio Tex-Mex Grill settled a lawsuit alleging that employees subjected a gay server to homophobic harassment