FILM A CLOCKWORK ORANGE Malcolm McDowell is over-the-top magnificent as a Beethoven-loving ringleader of a band of thugs in one of Stanley Kubrick’s most shocking...
What's happening around town, week of March 16 to 23
It’s not all Beethoven and Bach, Debussy and Dvorak, Sibelius and Stravinsky. Some area classical and choral companies are working to shake up the traditional...
April 5th marked the 20th anniversary of former Nirvana vocalist Kurt Cobain’s death, and coincidentally last week Nirvana was inducted into the Rock and Roll...
Ask Michael Kahn if he's happy and here's the response you'll likely get: ''Last night, I was walking around the house and I said to...
In Shame, everything starts with a look. All sorts of possibilities exist in each one -- this time, maybe they'll do it pinned up against...
BEST OF MOBY'S SCHTICK... ''I kind of wanted it to sound like ABBA meets the Pet Shop Boys.'' Can you imagine Moby creating such delightful...
ACTORS' THEATRE OF WASHINGTON 202-319-7227 Never the Sinner -- John Logan's ''docu-drama'' about 1924's infamous Leopold and Loeb case, in which two young heirs...