Metro Weekly

Search results for "West Virginia"

  • A Complete Guide to Dining Out for Life 2009

    A complete guide to all participating restaurants as of press time, by neighborhood, including applicable meals, and what percentage of each food bill will be...

  • D.C.'s Countdown to Destiny

    There have been other Inauguration Days in U.S. history and many are yet to come. But on Jan. 20, 2009, America will break a long...

  • 2008: The Year in Review

    George Santayana, poet and philosopher, advised that, ''Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.'' And who better to take advice from...

  • We Won! We Lost!

    Listen to Sean Bugg's new Podcast for Metro Weekly Hear the interview from:Patrick Sammon of the Log Cabin Republicans Elections are natural emotional rollercoasters, plunging...

  • Railing for a Retreat

    To and from all nearby points, we Washingtonians commute. Some make their daily roundtrips on rails, some on tires, some on foot. In the midst...

  • Terror Tour

    Beyond the halls of power, Washington might not seem like a very spooky place. Nearby Baltimore or Richmond seem far more haunted, with the ghost...

  • The Producer

    Larry Allen's parents did not panic when they heard he was going to spend a year and a half working in Iraq. ''My mom and...

  • Stage

    AMERICAN CENTURY THEATER 'Romeo and Juliet' at Shakespeare Theatre Gunston Theater II 2700 S. Lang St. Arlington, Va. 703-998-4555 · Dr. Cook's Garden --...

  • Pop, Folk and Jazz Music

    THE BARNS AT WOLF TRAP Tina Turner at Verizon Center 1645 Trap Rd. Vienna, VA 703-255-1900 · Noel Paul Stookey -- the ''Paul'' in...

  • A Rootin' Tootin' Return

    The faint scent of steers and sawdust, mixed with same-sex affection, will soon waft once more across the metro area. Marking its 17th year, the...

  • New Pastor at MCC-NOVA

    The Metropolitan Community Church of Northern Virginia (MCC-NOVA), which promotes an open and inclusive ''loving message'' for GLBT people, welcomed its newest reverend earlier this...

  • Making Change

    Whenever I'm faced with the task of providing biographical information about my life, I have a bit of a language problem. Namely, while I want...

  • Festival Booths

    As of press time. Subject to change. 30+ DC Lesbian Singles 4 Seasons Grille Time AARP-PRiSM Network Accenture Acuvue 1-Day Moist Adventuring Affirmation: Gay &...

  • Schedule of Performers

    As of press time. Please note: Times are approximate. Performers and schedule subject to change without notice. DJ Steve Henderson returns to spin between acts...

  • Candyland

    Is Madonna so shameless and craven she'd sacrifice her own artistry for commercial success? Well, maybe. ''You're only here to win, forget what they say,''...