Donald Trump remains a threat to democracy every day he remains in office, writes Rea Carey.
We asked the LGBTQ community (and its allies) about the election, Biden and Trump, and why everyone should vote.
The former Vice President's calm demeanor, LGBTQ support, and ability to empathize make him our choice to lead the nation out of the pandemic
Town hall on LGBTQ issues will be the first of its kind broadcast on a major national cable news network
Harris delivered a knockout blow to Joe Biden, while Buttigieg deconstructed Republicans' religious hypocrisy
Acceptance of an "out" candidate has increased significantly among older and younger voters since 2006
South Bend mayor claims he raised $600,000 in the 24 hours after appearing in a CNN town-hall style event
Presidential candidate says maybe he can broker a "peace deal" between restaurant and the LGBTQ community