Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "african-american"

  • Letter from DC Black Pride Board of Directors

    May 26, 2010 Greetings DC Black Pride Attendees: The DC Black Pride Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to...

  • A Touch of Lace

    Stepping off the Rhode Island Avenue sidewalk and into Lace for the first time, it's easy to imagine what Alice must've felt falling down the...

  • Rapper Pulls Out

    Straight rapper Wale has cancelled his upcoming appearance as headliner of DC Black Pride's main event, set for Sunday, May 30, at the Walter E....

  • Youth Pride Day on Stage [video]

    SMYAL dancers vogue, duckwalk and Shablam! on stage at Youth Pride 2010: Michelle Raymond performs an acoustic version ''Umbrella'' for Youth Pride

  • Brian Watson

    The 2009 Next Generation Awards: Where Are They Now? Over the past year, Brian Watson has cut back on some of his local advocacy --...

  • Eboné Bell

    The 2009 Next Generation Awards: Where Are They Now? It's been nearly a year and a half since Eboné Bell quit her day job to...

  • Second Southeast Homicide

    Two more people within the local LGBT community have been killed since Gays and Lesbians Opposing Violence (GLOV) held its last public meeting in November....

  • Unpacking the Numbers

    As a survivor of violence and a lesbian trans woman in a world that treats my identity as delusional or deceptive, I understand fear. I...

  • Searching for Dialogue

    It seems that the issue of relations between the LGBT community and the black community has remained contentious. It's even more problematic if you toss...

  • Trans Awakening

    On Wednesdays, Earline Budd is behind bars. It's usually from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. when the 51-year-old spends her time at the D.C. Department...

  • Ebonee Bradford, Atlanta

    Ebonee Bradford Most people understand what the phrase ''David versus Goliath'' means. It's unlikely, however, that anybody has lived the meaning of the phrase as...

  • Coalition Coalescing

    ''Who speaks for the black LGBT community?'' That was the question around which a recent ''community conversation'' centered. ''Why don't we act like family? Why...

  • For Goodness Sykes

    Wanda Sykes is power-walking. At least that's what I think she's doing. I hear birds chirping in the background, and once during our conversation she...

  • DC Coalition Stirring

    When it comes to cities known for vibrant, black-GLBT communities, D.C. routinely sits in the upper tier. DC Black Pride, for example, is the world's...

  • Pulling Together

    In politics, as in life, we have to seize our moments. The current political moment belongs to Barack Obama and the Democrats. Obama’s polling numbers...