In the District, people talk about HIV/AIDS -- a lot. Of course, with a statistical profile that puts D.C. on par with sub-Saharan Africa when...
After a recent dress rehearsal with the Capitol Pride Symphonic Band, director Joe Bello was feeling emotional. ''They actually moved me to tears on the...
This year, 2008, marks two bittersweet 20-year anniversaries: World AIDS Day, first observed Dec. 1, 1988, and Us Helping Us, People Into Living Inc., incorporated...
PreventionWorks, a 10-year-old, local, nonprofit organization working in HIV-prevention and health advocacy, announced Nov. 13 that Philip Terry will be serve as the group's new...
Listen to Sean Bugg's new Podcast for Metro Weekly Hear the interview from:Patrick Sammon of the Log Cabin Republicans METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or...
METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? H....
METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? JON...
METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? PAUL...
Local artist Frank Muzzy is literally exposing himself for this year's Art for Life, the annual Whitman-Walker Clinic art auction benefit. A noted painter of...
Us Helping Us, People Into Living Inc., will soon mark 20 years of working to prevent HIV infections among black gay and bisexual men, and...
Getting older does not make you any less susceptible to HIV and AIDS. ''For both gay and heterosexual people, there's the disbelief that somehow if...
DC Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, an organization that tackles a variety of issues in solving problems that affect D.C. residents and employees, last...
The National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA), based in Silver Spring, launched the National HIV Testing Day more than 15 years ago. Now it...
Sitting in his doctor's office on June 2, Justin Smith breaks down and begins to cry. Just a few seconds earlier, when asked by his...
Anyone reading the coverage of the 17th International AIDS Conference, held Aug. 4 to 8 in Mexico City, likely spotted the quote by Ron MacInnis,...