After a visit from a dying Roy Cohn, Trump told guests he fumigated the silverware
HHS has launched an audit into the use of fetal tissue, an essential component in researching drugs and treatments to combat HIV
Morgan created the "Do-Re-Mi" parody to raise money and awareness for AIDS/LifeCycle
For Theater J's Adam Immerwahr, the questions raised by Roz and Ray are precisely the point
New sitcom "Silver Foxes" will follow four gay men living together in Palms Springs
Echo City Council was forced to issue an apology after Councilor Lou Nakapalau refused
With 99% efficacy in monkeys, researchers will attempt human trials in 2018
Dionne Warwick to usher in Bethesda Blues & Jazz's 4th Anniversary
Screening is followed by discussion with film's director by Metro Weekly editor Randy Shulman
The man blamed for spreading AIDS in North America was falsely accused, new research shows
Saturday's event celebrates Dr. Ron Simmons, who is retiring from the organization
British Royal wants to make more people feel comfortable getting testing for HIV
—President Barack Obama, in a press release. Thirty-five years after the first reported case of HIV/AIDS in America, President Barack Obama released a statement commemorating the...
Despite previous plans to discuss LGBT issues, Elton John and the Russian president were unable to talk
Dedicated apps could make accessing PrEP easier than ever