David Fuller pleads with lawmakers not to criminalize health care he believes saved his trans daughter's life
In addition to penalizing doctors, bill would force school officials to inform parents if their child's gender-nonconformity
Law in question required transgender people to undergo surgery in order to change the gender marker on their IDs
Apple, Hilton, Microsoft and others say they are "deeply concerned" about legislation targeting LGBTQ people
School district apologizes after James Clemens students shout "f**k the gays"
Young boys were allegedly starved and beaten to "get the demon out" and make them straight
John Merrill says Americans are "too busy being preoccupied with homosexual activities" on TV
Mark Chambers ignored calls to step down, saying his comments about "killing them" were taken out of context
Owens Cross Roads police chief says Jeff Graves "deserves a second chance"
John Martin broke down in the pulpit and told his congregation that he'd abused a young boy
Anti-LGBTQ Republican lost his previous Senate race in 2017 to Democrat Doug Jones
Carbon Hill Mayor Mark Chambers made the comments while airing complaints about the direction of society
One gay lawmaker said the legislation was "born out of prejudice"
Alabama Public Television didn't want to show children gay people without parental consent
Recent laws in Alabama, Georgia, and other states may carry significant consequences, particularly for transgender individuals