Communications officer clapped back at homophobes who decried LGBTQ Marines and the end of DADT
The pastor of Johnsonville Church of God says the congregation is "praying for" and "forgives" the culprit
Mayor Lori Lightfoot threatened to strip powers from officers using slurs or excessive force at anti-racism protests
A gay Ohio couple targeted in an anti-gay attack has used their temporary public platform to raise more than $5,000 for a local LGBTQ nonprofit...
Sheldon founded the Traditional Values Coalition to warn America about the "homosexual agenda"
National Black Justice Coalition is calling for a thorough investigation into McKinsley Lincoln's death
Robin Vaughn apologizes for homophobic remarks, saying, "I regret letting my emotions get the best of me."
Christiaan Otto is the subject of a human rights complaint due to his anti-LGBTQ social media posts
Gay Moroccans say Naoufal Moussa's Instagram video has led to people being assaulted or kicked out of their homes
15-year-old suspect, caught on video, claims the couple pushed him and made anti-Muslim comments
The boy was called anti-gay slurs and bullied so badly that he received a concussion, the lawsuit alleges
Bishop Harry Jackson has called marriage equality a "Satanic plot" and claimed that gay people are trying to "recruit" children
U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski is the only House Democrat to oppose the Equality Act
Monmouth University President Patrick Leahy has promised to investigate the incident further
Indiana Sen. Mike Young implied Buttigieg is a bottom who is "used to" being assaulted