Suspected bomber Mark Conditt is being credited with a blog comparing gay marriage to pedophilia and bestiality
Last Week Tonight has released a children's book where Marlon Bundo falls in love with another boy rabbit
Trump fires Tillerson and announces anti-gay CIA chief Pompeo as his replacement
The Dallas Overwatch team announced Sunday that it has released a player from its roster that had multiple suspensions for homophobic and racially charged comments,...
Former presidential candidate's past anti-LGBTQ rhetoric sparks outrage among industry insiders
Chancler Encalade will serve 10 years in prison for taking part in armed robberies and assaults of gay men
Many believe the ad is being pushed by pro-Putin operatives hoping to increase turnout to give election air of legitimacy
A group of clergy from Jackson, Mich., have signed a petition protesting Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder’s decision to appoint Ira Combs, Jr., known best for...
Printing company takes full responsibility for sending couple homophobic pamphlets instead of wedding brochures
A controversial Arizona pastor who once celebrated the deadly mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando was been banned from yet another country as he...
New religious freedom ambassador refused to answer whether "religious freedom" justifies imprisoning or killing LGBTQ people
A Trump appointee to the federal agency that oversees AmeriCorps and other national service programs has resigned after news media published past remarks he made...
Couple left on deserted stretch of road along the freeway in Houston around 4 a.m.
Man dubbed "White Beard" was seen in photos and videos overseeing executions for violations of Sharia law
Former Minnesota congresswoman mulls bid for seat recently vacated by Sen. Al Franken