Host Ebone Bell takes a stroll through the Glenn Beck ''Restoring Honor'' on Saturday, Aug. 28, and poses questions about gay marriage and Don't Ask...
”The homosexuals, they need to listen…. I say this to my gay friends out there, the ones who continuously nitpick everything I say, in their...
”I believe in civil rights, according to Walter Fauntroy, who’s one proponent of our DC marriage bill here that we’re working on, said that housing,...
”Well, it’s fairly simple. We look at gay marriage as — not a civil rights issue, but a moral question. And the moral question is...
”While I firmly believe that a business climate conducive to growth is critical to our future, I realize our decision affected many of you in...
Below is a peek at this week’s sickening blanket of socially conservative, anti-gay rhetoric aimed at the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network and the head...
” came out…. no longer gay, but it’s still a process that I have to go through to be fully delivered. See,...
If you missed the ''Gathering Storm'' ads on TV, there's still a good chance you caught the parody on YouTube. Whichever version you may have...
A newly formed coalition uniting Hope Christian Church and the High Impact Leadership Coalition (HILC), based in Beltsville and College Park, respectively; the national, D.C.-group,...
Tyra Banks hosted a show with the topic, “I Hate Being Gay.” It began like this: “This is Shane, and he says gay people are...
President Barack Obama wasn't the only one celebrating a victory in D.C. last weekend. The Illinois-based Americans for the Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) was touting...
Often I hear from less progressive, less liberal corners that a hallmark of ''relativists'' is their inability to discern between good and evil. Hey, no...
A few weeks ago, I wrote a Mother's Day tribute to women who, aside from my mother, have had pivotal, maternal influence on me. I...
Fred Phelps will never go away. That's the harsh reality Romaine Patterson has come to realize about Phelps, leader of the infamously homophobic Westboro Baptist...
There was lots of love at the Rite Aid Pharmacy, at 13th and U Streets NW, on Tuesday, Oct. 30. About 50 people showed up...