Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "anti-gay"

  • Hugging it Out

    There was lots of love at the Rite Aid Pharmacy, at 13th and U Streets NW, on Tuesday, Oct. 30. About 50 people showed up...

  • Exposing the ''Experts''

    Here in Washington, being publicly discredited is no bar to employment for the industrious and well-connected. If you are sufficiently shameless, being a disgraced former...

  • Talking About Silence

    It is perhaps the quietest day of the school year: The Day of Silence, a national effort in which students at high schools, colleges and...

  • Historic Controversy

    If Peter LaBarbera had his way, there would be a caution sign next to all of Franklin Edward Kameny's 70,000 artifacts documenting the gay rights...

  • Lost in Translation

    Reading one of the area's Spanish-language newspapers can offer a sort of cultural departure from mainstream America. Readers will likely find more soccer coverage in...

  • Mixed Media

    ''Spongebob and Buster, sitting in a tree...'' Sponge Bob Squarepants WHEN THE YEAR kicked off with religious right maven James Dobson of Focus on the...

  • Hostile Territory

    ''Why did you move to the hate state?'' That's what I've been asked, in various forms, since I left D.C.'s Adams Morgan/Columbia Heights neighborhood last...

  • In the Bag

    Volunteers and staffers at last weekend's Gender PAC conference got a surprise as they were preparing for the weekend. Inside each of the plastic bags...

  • Santorum Ad Nauseam

    Santorum Republican Trent Lott, a Mississippi Senator, lauded outgoing Senator Strom Thurmond last year saying the country would have been better off if it had...

  • Let's Talk About Sex

    On the first full day of war in Iraq, a panel converged at the National Press Building to debate a different kind of struggle, once...