Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney reintroduced a bill intended to improve reporting of data on anti-LGBTQ violent crimes.
President Joe Biden recognized June as LGBTQ Pride Month and pledged his administration's commitment to fighting for LGBTQ equality.
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown signed a bill barring the use of the so-called LGBTQ "panic" defense by people accused of murder.
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights find anti-sodomy laws violate LGBTQ people's human rights
Measure heads to Senate, where it is expected to pass despite opposition from social conservatives
Victories come amid unrest over the killings of six transgender individuals and anti-LGBTQ violence on the island
More than 1 in 4 LGBTI people, and 6 in 10 trans people, say they've been discriminated against in the past year
Helle Jae O'Regan is the eleventh transgender person killed in the United States this year
Victim says he was stripped naked, handcuffed and beaten by a group after being lured through a dating app
Local activist says the island's epidemic of anti-LGBTQ violence is being fueled by societal acceptance of homophobia
Woman and one of her friends suffered minor injuries in assault in downtown Portland
Bill would prevent defendants from using a victim's LGBTQ identity to justify crimes like murder and assault
Last week, a man could serve up to 20 years in prison for the murder and burning of a gay man in southwest Detroit in...
Actress and producer blames incendiary and hostile rhetoric for uptick in anti-LGBTQ violence
One of the victims told police he recognized one of their attackers as a co-worker