We asked LGBT Sanders supporters if they’ll vote for Hillary Clinton in November. Unsurprisingly, responses were mixed.
A national transgender advocacy organization is criticizing the Clinton campaign for promising — and then backtracking — to fill out its political questionnaire on issues...
Trump's Fabulous and Classy Roadshow is bringing lingering racism to the surface
Trump is the most popular among the scant Republicans on the gay social app
Prominent gay columnist pens tirade against progressives demanding purity on same-sex marriage.
Our political system is dysfunctional, uninspiring, and deadlocked. That's why you need to vote.
Sit back and enjoy the Trump and Friends extravaganza, because you don’t really have a choice
Take our 2 second poll. See who's winning!
Take our 2-second poll. See who's winning.
Take our 2-second poll -- see who's winning!
"Wouldn't it be great to be a leader instead of a follower?"
LGBT Democrats are divided over a presidential candidate, but many consider Clinton the strongest general election contender
Clinton was responding to a Sanders spokesperson, who criticized the Human Rights Campaign for unanimously voting to support her
President Chad Griffin says organization will put full force behind the candidate.
Plus: Take our 5-second SOTU poll!