Judge had previously warned Idaho lawmakers not to disobey an order she issued two years ago
LGBTQ lawmakers had to revive bill banning gay or trans panic defense after Senate leaders killed it for expediency
California AG Xavier Becerra calls birth certificate and transgender athlete bills "plain and simple discrimination"
Lower court had refused to issue a court order to allow a trans woman to amend her birth certificate
Critics claim Wanda Vazquez consulted with Christian lawyers, and not LGBTQ advocates, before approving changes
Magistrate Judge Candy Dale says "serious and formidable questions" surround new law's constitutionality
LGBTQ advocates say the two laws place burdensome and unconstitutional restrictions on transgender people
Bills bar trans athletes from women's sports and block trans people from changing the gender on their birth certificates
Only 11% of transgender respondents have an accurate gender marker on all of their identity documents
Groups go on record opposing anti-transgender bills, including two that recently passed in Idaho
Lambda Legal: Idaho "might as well tear down the federal courthouse" if Brad Little signs bill into law
Adults born in New York have been able to change their gender markers since 2014
Bill is a response to a 2018 court ruling allowing trans people to amend the gender marker on their birth certificates
Bills to ban conversion therapy, eliminate surgical requirement for changing gender marker on birth certificate approved
John Fillmore's bills challenge any recognition of transgender individuals' gender identity by schools or government