Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "blogs"

  • Michigan Assistant AG committed misconduct by harassing gay student leader

    The Michigan Attorney Discipline Board will now consider possible penalties for Andrew Shirvell's actions

  • Congressional candidate apologizes for anti-gay blog

    Mark Assini opposed gay marriage and called transgender people "mentally disturbed" in his blog posts

  • 26th Annual GLAAD Media Awards Nominees

    OUTSTANDING FILM – WIDE RELEASE The Imitation Game (The Weinstein Company) Love is Strange (Sony Pictures Classics) Pride (CBS Films) The Skeleton Twins (Roadside Attractions)...

  • Threatening Language

    On Monday, March 29, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Philadelphia announced that Norman Leboon was being charged with two counts of threatening to kill Rep....

  • Strange Blogfellows

    Born just a few months apart and thousands of miles from each other, both John Aravosis and Andrew Sullivan today call Washington home. And both...

  • Past Personal

    Being an early adopter in the world of blogging, Jim Barrett has learned a few lessons over time. ''I've learned not to write about family,...

  • On the Outs

    Love him or hate him, blog-reading Washingtonians know Mike Rogers. And his handiwork can be seen in some collapsed careers. Rogers is that boogeyman that...

  • Life in Real Time

    The revolution came and it was blogged. Since the advent of personal blogs as an internet phenomenon, the new media format has literally changed the...

  • The New Gay Way

    Laura Varlas wasn't expecting the outpouring of responses to her blog post last April about lesbian business attire, what she dubbed ''lez casual.'' ''It was...

  • Heath and Home

    Advances in technology are often heralded as labor-saving enhancements of our way of life. Yet the technology often seems to simply create avenues for even...

  • Gossip Whirl

    Perez hilton Whether you love him or hate him, there's no denying that Perez Hilton -- aka Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr. -- has Hollywood by...

  • Hugging it Out

    There was lots of love at the Rite Aid Pharmacy, at 13th and U Streets NW, on Tuesday, Oct. 30. About 50 people showed up...

  • Soul Searching

    ''Back away from the blog.'' That's hard for Andrew Sullivan to do, even if his partner and fiancé is the one asking him to do...

  • Mixed Media

    ''Spongebob and Buster, sitting in a tree...'' Sponge Bob Squarepants WHEN THE YEAR kicked off with religious right maven James Dobson of Focus on the...

  • Blog Me A Story

    When Andrew Sullivan took the stage Sunday night at DC9, a hipster bar filled with punk sensibility, a handful of hisses and under-the-breath utterances floated...