Social conservatives are demanding that Netflix remove the satirical comedy "The First Temptation of Christ"
The Catholic leader noted the resurgence of Nazi symbols and an increase in politicians targeting gay people, Jewish people, and gypsies
Five LGBTQ stories you need to know
Embassies can hang or display the flag elsewhere on their grounds, but not on flag poles
Jair Bolsonaro says gay people may only come if they want to "have sex with a woman"
The petition demands Netflix cancel plans to broadcast the cartoon, which they believe promotes the "transvestite agenda."
Super Drags will feature a trio of superhero drag queens who team up to save the world
In recent years, Brazil has become a more inhospitable place for LGBTQ people to live
This year's Olympics will be the most queer-friendly ever, but LGBT participation stretches back almost a century
“This is the equivalent of authorizing homosexual marriage in Brazil.” Raquel Pereira de Castro Araujo, who heads the human rights committee of the Brazilian Bar...
As the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association plans to hold its 2012 Convention in Brazil April 12 to 14, violence against gays in that...
Over the weekend, President Barack Obama made an official state visit to Brazil, including a meeting with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. Included in the joint...