LGBTQ advocates said it would encourage "hatred, bigotry, and violence" towards trans people
Hostin was responding to a Catholic bishop who tweeted that Pride events are "harmful for children"
Bishop Thomas Tobin's tweet was met with derision on social media, with many noting the Catholic Church's sex abuse scandals
The school's landlord, Holy Trinity Church, called the mural "offensive" to parishioners and demanded they "take care of it"
Francis told gay British comedian Stephen K Amos that "all human beings" have dignity
Francis said in an interview that the thought of gay clergy members "worries him" and is a "serious matter"
Fr. James Martin alleges pastoral associate has been subjected to multiple incidents of homophobic abuse
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput said that the phrase "LGBTQ" should not appear in any Church documents
Pat Hawkins shares her thoughts on that it means to be LGBTQ and Irish
Surprising no one who has followed the Vatican’s pronouncements on homosexuality over the past few years, Pope Francis issued a papal exhortation reiterating the Roman Catholic...
A Massachusetts superior court judge on Wednesday ruled in a first-of-its-kind decision that a Catholic all-girls school in Milton, Mass., illegally discriminated against a gay...
"We still love drug addicts."
Claim filed with EEOC alleges termination from Catholic-owned facility in Richmond violates Title VII
Don Gino Flaim clearly has no sense of irony
Working document offers some nuance, but no major doctrinal changes