A conservative Catholic blog claims to have data showing a number of church officials accessing Grindr in the U.S. and at the Vatican
Cardinal Burke believes gay people are "intrinsically disordered" and spread conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines
Jeffrey Burrill's resignation ignited debate over his outing, after his Grindr location data was allegedly used to track him
The Catholic League claims that the rights of Christians "count less" than LGBTQ people under a Biden presidency
Eight bishops joined the Tyler Clementi Foundation in sending a message of support to young LGBTQ people
French high school apologized for the book, which says gay people aren't "happy"
New York City's Father George Rutler allegedly watched a video of two men while a security guard filmed him
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said Biden's presidency presented "certain challenges"
St. Thomas University rallied behind teacher and rejected man's "hateful" message
Kenneth Gaughan is also accused of embezzling more than $400,000 from the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
Good Cakes and Bakes in Detroit was asked to write a homophobic message on a customer's order
Cardinal Konrad Krajewski sent funds to allow a group of trans women to buy food and take care of themselves
Anti-LGBTQ group says a holiday-themed drag show is "a direct and vulgar attack against the birth of Christ"
Father Scott Nolan told Judge Sara Smolenski she couldn't receive communion, after years of attending the church
Monsignor Joseph McLoone allegedly stole almost $100,000 and spent it on "personal relationships" with other men