The self-proclaimed "feisty bitch" literally bent over backwards to show her charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent on the show.
''You're no one unless you're on television, baby,'' says Luke Cazwell, the New York performer who goes by his surname. ''You can get 13 billion...
You hear the one about Beyoncé at Burger King? ''She particularly liked the part where her face is moving from left to right watching the...
You might not believe it, but Amanda Lepore has only recently started to really put herself out there. She's always been out there, of course....
Cazwell is not your typical rapper. As far as we know, Eminem has never admitted to masturbating via webcam, or to liking foreskin. Sure, maybe...
KASKADE'S NEW ULTRA OUTLOOK... It's a herky-jerky hip-hop-inflected pop track, and it would delight any admirer of Justin Timberlake, both the closet case and the...