Clinton would crush Donald Trump in every state if only GBTQ men could vote
CNN commentator notes that the GOP's own party platform wouldn't pass Trump's ideological test for immigrants
Anderson Cooper asks Pam Bondi: "Do you really think you’re a champion of the gay community?"
CNN's Don Lemon wants to be "the best person to tell the story."
People say the queerest things.
Rick Santorum is only half right when he says Google no longer defines his name as a sexual act.
Ben Carson has a history of making offensive statements about the LGBT community — and his opposition to same-sex marriage is well known — but...
—Ben Carson, Republican candidate for president, retired neurosurgeon and renowned homophobe, speaking on Fox News’ Special Report Wednesday night. Asked to clarify statements he made...
Sometimes what happens in Vegas goes viral
“If being gay is a choice, prove it. Choose it. Choose to be gay yourself.” — Dan Savage, advice columnist and founder of the It...
Ben Carson issued an apology for stating prison sex proves being gay is a choice
Major news outlets – even Fox News – are showing increased support for gay marriage, according to a study from the Pew Research Center. The results show...
On April 19, after the arrest of bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (hereinafter ''Johar''), residents of Boston's Watertown neighborhood applauded the police and chanted, ''USA! USA!''...
An anti-gay director of the American Family Association was brought on air to discuss his criticism of “Mix It Up at Lunch Day.” The conversation...
CNN: You’re also against gay marriage. Walker: Yeah I am. There’s just certain traditions that need to be upheld. I’ll give you the other side...