Paula Poundstone is excited for her return to the Birchmere next weekend for three days of shows
Fortune Feimster is part of the polished comic ensemble who make "Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar" shine
McCormick's film explores specific nuances of dating and relationships in the Black gay community
This Sunday, Champlin and her "Queer Queens of Qomedy" make their first appearance onstage since the pandemic began.
The "Daily Show" correspondent performs at "RIOT! An International Women's Day Comedy Event"
The Broad City star on stand-up, Donald Trump, and embracing her queer identity
After 40 years of performing stand-up, Paula Poundstone has decided that nothing heals the soul quite like laughter
The 49-year-old actor is an outspoken champion for inclusivity and equality
Chen will offer a witty, current, but decidedly "non-Beltway" routine
Jobrani also puts his commitment to LGBTQ rights in his act
The iconic comic riffs on current events ahead of her Nov. 3 tour stop at Strathmore
The Award-winning actress and LGBTQ icon spoke to Metro Weekly ahead of her Kennedy Center show
Bernhard is bringing her "Sandemonium" tour to City Winery
On Saturday, Michelle Wolf reminded us that comedians are going where journalism and our government has failed us
Comedian David Alan Grier eases into Arlington Drafthouse to speak his piece