President Obama is seeking to ensure all legally married same-sex couples have access to Social Security benefits.
Legislation that would direct the State Department to make international LGBT rights a priority of American foreign policy was reintroduced in both houses of Congress.
President Obama described same-sex couples’ right to marry as a “civil right” during his State of the Union address.
Legislation that would repeal the remaining sections of the Defense of Marriage Act was reintroduced in the House and Senate on the first day of...
Having helped elect hundreds of LGBT candidates to public office nationwide, Victory Fund's Chuck Wolfe moves on
Sen. Merkley announces plans to introduce LGBT civil rights bill
Two Republican congressmen who work on employment issues are calling on the Labor Department to withdraw a new rule prohibiting federal contractors from LGBT workplace discrimination....
Lobbying efforts are continuing on Capitol Hill during the lame duck session for legislation that would outlaw LGBT workplace discrimination.
Carl DeMaio conceded Sunday his race for the U.S. House of Representatives, ending the possibility that this election could witness an openly gay Republican elected to Congress...
For LGBT candidates, election night 2014 proved not to be election night 2012. Two years ago, when President Barack Obama handily won a second term,...
A number of LGBT candidates are on the ballot this Election Day in states across the country. Here are the key races to watch when...
Responding to calls from the National Organization for Marriage for social conservatives to vote for pro-LGBT Democrat Seth Moulton over his openly gay Republican opponent, Richard...
Nan Hayworth, the Republican seeking to unseat out Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney in New York’s 18th Congressional District, released a television ad Wednesday featuring her...
The nation’s largest LGBT-rights organization is not expected to get involved in the Massachusetts congressional race between openly gay Republican Richard Tisei and pro-LGBT Democrat...
A Republican cosponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act publicly endorsed a strategy Saturday that would attach the piece of LGBT-rights legislation as an amendment to...