–Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham, in a Facebook rant. Graham took issue to Wells Fargo’s wonderful sign language commercial, which features two lesbian...
— Penny Nance, of Concerned Women for America, speaking on American Family Radio’s Today’s Issues about the Girl Scouts decision to accept transgender youth. Right Wing Watch...
In Britain's elections, politicians unashamedly support LGBT rights
“I’ve waited my entire life for this moment, so I can do 4 days in this line.” — Chicagoan Sean Varsho, #24 in line outside the...
— Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, in a statement. The Disney-owned network are currently creating a pilot for a sitcom about the life of...
Jeb Bush is softening his tone on marriage equality, but not his views.
Sen. Ted Cruz reaffirmed his opposition to marriage equality during CPAC.
Gay conservatives once again will have no official presence at CPAC
Inside the Fight for the Heart and Soul of the Republican Party
Follow @JustinCSnow When the decision came down from the Supreme Court striking down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, there was no call...
New York novelist Dawn Powell wrote on the cusp of World War II, ''Civilization stood on a ledge, and in the tension of waiting it...
ENGLAND. Conservatives are expected to do badly in Thursday’s local elections in England and Wales, largely, it seems because of Prime Minister David Cameron‘s support for...
With one week to go before scheduled Supreme Court arguments in two landmark marriage-equality cases, the next generation of conservatives are letting it be known...
The conservative movement’s attempt to grapple with gay rights was on full display during the first day of the Conservative Political Action Conference as leaders...
While GOProud remains banned from the annual Conservative Political Action Conference organized by the American Conservative Union (ACU), that won’t stop one sponsor of CPAC...