A new initiative, "The Good Fruit Project," has been launched to educate people of faith about the harms of conversion therapy
Tony George Rizk said "specialists" would help queer youth "recover" from their sexuality
Heart was enrolled in her church's conversion therapy program while attending college in Missouri
Aides took issue with Pompeo's participation in event after learning the group supports conversion therapy
The Louisville Metro Council has voted to ban the practice of conversion therapy designed to change youths’ sexual orientation or gender identity. On Thursday, the...
Opponents claimed it would violate religious rights and compared LGBTQ people to mental illness
Focus on the Family's headquarters were declared an "outbreak" site after staff members tested positive
Letter's signatories say they know firsthand the "terrible emotional and spiritual damage" that conversion therapy can cause
Dr. Allen Bergin said that his views had changed after a 'painful education' from his gay sons
Members of Kahol Lavan defected on the conversion therapy vote, supporting it along with opposition parties.
Born Perfect urged other social media companies to follow Instagram's lead
Victor Madrigal-Borloz says the therapy can "inflict severe pain and suffering" on LGBTQ people
Group's founder came out as gay last year and denounced the central premise behind conversion therapy as "a lie."
LGB adults who have experienced conversion therapy are twice as likely to think about suicide as their peers
U.N. report says that conversion therapy practices around the world "may amount to torture"