The man yelled homophobic slurs and punched one of the victims as they tried to call police
One of the men was knocked unconscious, while the other suffered facial injuries in the attack
MPD says attack that left two gay men severely injured appears to have been "unprovoked"
Omar Mateen apparently chose Pulse at random, fueled by hatred for America's foreign policy
Noor Salman was accused of aiding her husband and lying to the FBI
With the Oscar-nominated Strong Island, transgender filmmaker Yance Ford gives his brother the fair treatment the U.S. legal system failed to provide
Samuel Woodward has been charged with the murder of Blaze Bernstein
Trudeau offered a formal apology for historic gay sex convictions, proposing new legislation to "destroy" criminal records
It's time for Americans to rise up against the NRA and the GOP. It's time for common sense gun laws.
St. Peter police are looking into the crime and could consider bias enhancements to any charges that are filed
When anti-LGBTQ hate crimes occur in the District, the DC Anti-Violence Project is there to offer support
Demonstrators were protesting against the abduction, abuse and murder of gay men in Chechnya
A majority of bias-related crimes in D.C. target members of the LGBTQ community, according to city officials. Crimes targeting victims because of their gender identity...
The rainbow house, owned by Planting Peace, was also shot at at least 7 times
Two weeks after Orlando, the LGBT community is finding its focus, politicians are returning to normal, and the investigation into Omar Mateen deepens