D.C. achieved the Human Rights Campaign's highest rating on the annual State Equality Index, while 25 states scored the lowest rating
White House said Congress needs to take action on the landmark LGBTQ rights legislation
Don Champion alleges that two executives at a CBS New York affiliate targeted him for being "too gay"
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins is not happy about an executive order banning anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
Rule builds upon past actions seeking to grant social service agencies license to discriminate
Jéaux Rinedahl says Seattle Pacific University has asked him to continue teaching part-time
A California woman threatened "terrorism" against D.C.'s Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School for publishing same-sex wedding announcements.
Couple's lawsuit was initially dismissed on the grounds that LGBTQ people aren't protected by the Fair Housing Act
Minister for European Affairs Clément Beaune says he has a "responsibility" to "spread tolerance"
School asks employees and students' parents to agree to sign agreements pledging not to condone homosexuality
Report's release coincides with Transgender Day of Remembrance and new FBI data showing rise in anti-trans hate crimes
Plan would respond to Poland's "LGBT-free zones" and increasing anti-LGBTQ discrimination
Justice says condoning same-sex nuptials has fueled "intolerance" towards people with "unpopular religious beliefs"
Linda Dominguez claims cops mocked her, forced her to wear pink handcuffs in custody, and charged her with "false personation"
Donald Trump's anti-LGBTQ actions are contrasted with statements claiming he is pro-gay