Man says staffer outed him to other clients and insisted he list his assigned sex at birth on paperwork
Gay homeowner's security cameras captured man's anti-gay comments
Actress claims studio executives banned her from her own after-party because she refused to hide her relationship
Melissa Hart claims administrators harassed her 17-year-old daughter for being in a relationship with another female student
Supreme Court Justices' recent comments are "deeply troubling" for the fate of LGBTQ rights, says Obergefell
Republicans want high schools to reconsider allowing trans athletes to compete according to their gender identity
A federal judge has ruled that the U.S. Social Security Administration’s categorical denial of survivor’s benefits to surviving same-sex partners who were barred from marrying...
School board insists that barring transgender students from single-sex facilities is needed to protect cisgender students' privacy
Supporters of the law argue that HIV is now a manageable condition and that people with the virus now live longer lives
State Department chastised a second time for its refusal to recognize citizenship of children born to same-sex couples
Second night of Republican National Convention also features several elected officials with anti-LGBTQ records
HHS waiver is part of a "pattern of discrimination" on the part of the Trump administration aimed at limiting the rights and freedoms of LGBTQ...
Chelsey Nelson has argued that Louisville's law prohibiting anti-LGBTQ discrimination violates her First Amendment rights
Judge finds law specifically excludes trans athletes, and subjects female athletes to invasive genetic testing and possible bullying
"My genitals were just a topic of conversation throughout most of the night," said one of the women