The Gloucester County student challenging his school’s restroom policy for transgender and gender nonconforming students is getting support in his appeal from both the federal...
Bob McNair, the owner and CEO of the Houston Texans football team, is asking for his money back. McNair, who contributed more than $10,000 to...
Mormon leader says Davis should issue marriage licenses, as emails emerge showing her intent to defy court's orders
Lawyers for a transgender male student from Gloucester County, Va., are asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit to stop the Gloucester...
Bill would allow Florida adoption services and other businesses to deny service due to religious objections
Claim filed with EEOC alleges termination from Catholic-owned facility in Richmond violates Title VII
I’m here to remind Ben Carson of the mess he made when he waylaid American Muslims
Owner maintains that they were making other customers uncomfortable
Voters in Fayetteville, Ark., reversed course from last December, approving a civil rights ordinance that includes protections for sexual orientation and gender identity in a...
Perhaps it’s part of a backlash against advances for LGBT rights. Or maybe it’s just a sentiment that has never changed in a socially conservative...
A transgender male student in Virginia can no longer use the public restroom at his high school. Instead, he will be relegated to a staff...
New rules proposed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would effectively prohibit health care plans from denying coverage to transgender people for...
A coalition of 130 LGBT or allied organizations is urging President Obama to rescind a memo from George W. Bush’s administration that they claim has...
Congressional bill would provide exemptions for people and businesses that object to same-sex marriage
Researchers for the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) are taking a head count and asking transgender people to lend their voices the 2015 U.S. Trans...