Disney reportedly refused to censor Eternals' gay content for Middle Eastern nations, a decision Angelina Jolie has praised
Orlando has been named the USA's most LGBTQ-friendly travel destination
Former New Warriors showrunner Kevin Biegel says a "rich, straight" Marvel executive canceled the show for being "too gay"
Disney's latest ride-to-movie effort is a solidly entertaining adventure
High School Musical featured the first Disney ballad written for a same-sex couple, Carlos (Frankie A. Rodriguez) and Seb (Joe Serafini)
Loki is the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first major out LGBTQ character, after he was confirmed to be bisexual in Disney's limited series
"Luca" is a relaxed, breezy tale of the endurance of true friendship
Hiddleston says Loki's gender fluidity has been "part of the fabric" of his character since 2011's Thor
Alex Hirsch claimed Disney demanded a gay scene be removed and accused the company of walking back LGBTQ progress
Disney's origin story for Cruella de Vil is a pointless, overblown waste of two hours and fifteen minutes.
Early critics impressions suggest Cruella is "wildly entertaining" and includes Disney's first prominent out gay character
Billy Porter and Zachary Quinto voice gay dads in the upcoming Disney+ animated series The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder
Joshua Bassett, star of Disney's High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, came out as LGBTQ after being asked about singer Harry Styles
Director Enrico Casarosa has rejected comparisons between Pixar's upcoming Luca and 2017 gay drama Call Me By Your Name
Erin Kellyman leads supervillain group the Flag Smashers in the Disney+ series