Statement stops short of criticizing President Trump's response to white supremacist racists
In his first public comments addressing President Trump’s proposed ban on transgender service members, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis hinted that he and other Pentagon officials...
On Tuesday, as part of a bizarre press conference, Donald Trump reversed course and defended his initial response to Saturday’s outbreak of violence in Charlottesville,...
–Conservative pundit Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, speaking during a segment on the Aug. 15 edition of Fox &...
Major LGBTQ groups denounced the outbreak of violence on Saturday at a “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., where white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, and other...
Lambda Legal will not rest until we have achieved the full recognition of the civil rights of LGBTQ people
President Donald Trump is defending his proposed ban on transgender individuals serving in the U.S. military, claiming that he’s doing the military a favor, reports...
Lawyers representing five anonymous transgender service members with nearly 60 years of combined military service have filed a federal lawsuit to block the Trump administration...
The Trevor Project says that the number of transgender youth calling into its suicide prevention hotline spiked following the announcement of President Trump’s proposed ban...
After Trump tweeted his trans military ban, I felt devastated. The Army is not just my career -- it is my life.
Former military leaders say President Trump is wrong about costs of medical care for transgender troops
Kansas governor tapped to head State Department's Office of International Religious Freedom
Letter asks Congress to add explicit transgender protections to the National Defense Authorization Act
Rep. Scott Taylor says discrimination against LGBTQ individuals is "on the wrong side of history"
Staff Sgt. Logan Ireland says "I would like to see them try to kick me out of my military"