Trump's Fabulous and Classy Roadshow is bringing lingering racism to the surface
Trump is the most popular among the scant Republicans on the gay social app
Prominent gay columnist pens tirade against progressives demanding purity on same-sex marriage.
Our political system is dysfunctional, uninspiring, and deadlocked. That's why you need to vote.
The Republican Party continues to prove that it has nothing to offer LGBT voters
The 79-year-old Supreme Court Justice was no friend to the LGBT cause
Sit back and enjoy the Trump and Friends extravaganza, because you don’t really have a choice
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Take our 2-second poll and check out the results!
Donald Trump says he'll "bring people together" over gay rights.
Whether hoping for a Rubio surge or a Trump rebound, LGBT issues bear little weight on gay Republicans’ choice of candidate
Take our 2-second poll. See who's winning.
Tells Fox News anchor Chris Wallace he would consider appointing justices to "change things."
Take our 2-second poll and see who's winning!
Take our 2-second poll -- see who's winning!