Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "don’t ask don’t tell"

  • Allies Before Animosity

    The No on 1 campaign lost despite a strong effort because too many Maine voters were persuaded that marriage equality would require teaching schoolchildren about...

  • The Time Has Come

    The news out of Kansas really shouldn't have come as a shock. It was a new version of an old story. In February, the Kansas...

  • Game Plan

    Just 18 months after taking the helm, Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) executive director Aubrey Sarvis finds his organization at the most promising crossroads in...

  • Aubrey Sarvis, Executive Director, Servicemembers Legal Defense Network

    METRO WEEKLY: From your -- or your organization's -- perspective, what is the most immediate effect of the presidential election on the LGBT community? AUBREY...

  • Red, White and Bleu

    Bleu Copas was 20 the first time he visited New York City -- a trip that included a visit to the observation deck atop the...

  • Closed Door for Navy Hopefuls

    Two women were ready to join the Navy on Tuesday, but the Navy wasn't ready for them. Continuing a 30-city campaign of protest against the...

  • Secret Service

    In a time of war, a good man is hard to find. Which makes it all the more frustrating that the U.S. military continues to...

  • This Man's Army

    By 71, a thoughtful person should reach a point where he has learned a thing or two. One thing Keith Kerr has learned is that...

  • 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Goes to War

    Today, the Department of Defense can offer a count showing that military operations related to invading Afghanistan and Iraq -- operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi...

  • Marching Forward

    ''I think SLDN has achieved more in ten years than anyone would have dared hope for,'' says C. Dixon Osburn, executive director of the Servicemembers...

  • Life During Wartime

    When Austin Rooke got a letter from the Army in December 2001, he didn't expect that Uncle Sam would still want him. A lot had...

  • Covert Operations

    Americans love a photo op, especially when it involves two of America's most hallowed institutions -- patriotism and heterosexuality. For many people, Life magazine snapshots...

  • DADT Discharges

    Discharges from the military under the anti-gay ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell '' (DADT) policy declined by nearly a third in fiscal year 2002, the lowest...

  • Distress Calls

    Even as the latest in smart bomb technology steams toward Iraq with Old Glory in tow, the U.S. military's homophobe corps is still finding time...