Our picks of some of the best arts and entertainment in DC!
FILM GOOD TIME Robert Pattinson plays a deranged bank robber in what David Rooney of the Hollywood Reporter praised as “arguably his most commanding performance...
FILM A TALE OF TWO CITIES, MADAME DU BARRY The National Gallery of Art concludes its month-long screening of films interpreting the lavish culture...
Your weekly guide to everything film, stage, dance, music and more!
Your guide to everything film, stage, music and more in DC this week!
FILM A CLOCKWORK ORANGE Malcolm McDowell is over-the-top magnificent as a Beethoven-loving ringleader of a band of thugs in one of Stanley Kubrick’s most shocking...
Film, stage, dance, food and more in Washington, DC
Arts picks for the week of April 27 to May 3
Film, Stage, Music, Exhibits and more from March 30 to April 5
A comprehensive listing of the best art, entertainment, and everything else in DC this week!
Everything arts and entertainment in D.C. and beyond!
Former D.C. Council member Jim Graham launches a nude career
After a year as the head of GLAAD, Sarah Kate Ellis looks to close the culture gap between equality and acceptance
. Fill out my Wufoo
For all you country fans out there (D.C. Cowboys, you know who you are), Live Nation just announced that Tim McGraw’s Emotional Traffic Tour will...