Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "erasure"

  • Refreshing

    Is Andy Bell over electronic music? ''Then I go insane, I'm bored of this modern town,'' Erasure's gay frontman sings on one track of the...

  • Pioneering Pop

    Andy Bell is feeling his age. ''I love Beyoncé and Rihanna and stuff, but it's so hyper, everything,'' says the 47-year-old. ''You kind of feel...

  • Electro Buzz

    On new single ''Dancing On My Own,'' Robyn catches her boyfriend cheating on her at a club. ''I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her,...

  • Soundwaves

    ANNIE'S PAVEMENT CRACKS... Once dubbed the ''Greatest White Soul Singer Alive'' by VH1, Annie Lennox has now been dumped on like so many soul singers...

  • Soundwaves

    TRUE COLORS, SHINING THROUGH... The weather was perfect, the crowd about as queer as they come, and then there was the lineup. Last Sunday's True...

  • Rainbow Rock

    Cyndi Lauper's 21-year-old classic pop hit ''True Colors'' is already something of a gay anthem. Now it's set to become even more -- a signature...

  • Popera

    Rufus Wainwright poses a loaded question as his new album begins: ''Do I disappoint you?'' On the rambunctious song of that title, he is rhetorically...

  • Grand Ole Boys

    If the Dixie Chicks can't get time on country radio these days, then there's no hope for Erasure. But if the Dixie Chicks can sweep...

  • Soundwaves

    ERASURE GOES COUNTRY... Erasure lead singer Andy Bell released his debut solo album Electric Blue last summer, and the first single is just now near...

  • Electric Bell

    ''It's something that I've been wanting to do for a while,'' Andy Bell says of his debut solo record. Electric Blue comes exactly two decades...

  • Soundwaves

    ERASURE'S ''BLUE'' BELL... Nearly one year ago it was reported that Erasure's Andy Bell would be responsible for two new albums, and both were expected...

  • Charting the Course of Pride

    Thirty years ago, Deep Throat was a national mystery, gays and lesbians were a marginalized community under attack, and gay pride was a new idea...