Transgender woman beaten into unconsciousness by a mob in Dallas
Blessed with exceptional talent, local gay singer Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon has emerged as an American Idol frontrunner
Writer-director Jamie Patterson breaks down some behind-the-scenes T on his film "Tucked"
Tearrance Arvelle Chisholm's P.Y.G. preaches almost as much as it entertains
D'Affuso: "I'm totally letting go and am having an absolute blast"
Mara Keisling has worked too hard and for too long to let Donald Trump undo the progress of transgender rights. She's fighting him every step...
Tense new productions of Native Son and columbinus explore toxic male rage, with varying degrees of success
A colorful, kid-sized adventure, "Shazam!" adds a super-powered goofball to the DC Universe
Gina Chavez revels in sharing her outside-the-box life and music everywhere -- not least that she's a practicing Catholic and married lesbian
The annual awards present $2,000 scholarships to six LGBTQ high school athletes
For 70 years, the James Beard Award-winning Annie's has served the LGBTQ community with pride, love, and the kind of spirit only a family can...
Every eatery, every discount, every neighborhood
Maclean's debut album is a superb collection of sad, gay tunes done right
Tim Burton turns the familiar Disney fantasy into a moving family drama that's not as fun as it should be
"Ritex XL, The Black Party: Caligula, The Last Party" kicks off Saturday, April 6