Refund Equality Act entitles gay and lesbian couples to receive tax refunds for years they couldn't file jointly
Why State Senator Rich Madaleno thinks he'd be the ideal choice as Maryland's next governor
The (presumed) final installment of the latest "Planet of the Apes" series is a plodding, lumbering, insulting bore
The National Portrait Gallery examines Marlene Dietrich's profound influence on queer identity
Alliance Defending Freedom is best known for its advocacy of anti-LGBTQ "religious liberty" laws
Rep. Vicky Hartzler seeks to prohibit military from paying for hormones or gender confirmation surgery
"HRC Rising" will register and mobilize voters for the 2018 midterm elections
LGBTQ people are a vital part of Fringe. We asked eleven to sit for portraits and share what the month-long event means to them.
Every production at this year's Fringe Festival, plus all LGBTQ content highlighted!
The exhilarating new Spider-Man swings Peter Parker into a full-throttle growth spurt financed by Tony Stark
The tricks performed by Piff the Magic Dragon are amazing, but he truly slays audiences with his unique brand of comedy
In the age of Trump, Margaret Cho wants to speak out more than ever
The Stonewall Sports National Tournament is as much about fraternizing as it is about competing
Nicholas Rodriguez on nontraditional casting, becoming an LGBTQ role model, and the joy of Sondheim
Euan Morton is no stranger to taking on oversized leading roles, and now his son seems poised to follow in his footsteps