Tickets still available for Saturday and Sunday night performances.
Cause of death of the popular gay singer-songwriter not yet known.
From the tragic shooting at Pulse to the tragic election of President Donald Trump, we take stock of the year just ended
Vosk stars as Elphaba -- the Wicked Witch of the West -- in the national touring production of Wicked
The year was marked by impressive debuts, long-awaited follow-ups, and a parting gift from a musical icon
Brian wins a prize package featuring everything from bar tabs and free nightclub admissions to theater and movie tickets and retail gift certificates!
Foul-mouthed superheroes, guilt-riddled men and an Irish boy with a knack for music make our top ten list
A look at some of the most festive LGBT New Year's Eve offerings in D.C.
Wondering where in D.C. to dine on New Year's Eve and Day? We offer some fantastic suggestions
Who will be on Thursday's cover of Metro Weekly?
The election of Donald Trump has made the dragapella group The Kinsey Sicks more relevant -- and necessary -- than ever
At last weekend’s Victory Institute conference, the talk was all about how to prevent LGBT rights from backsliding in a potentially hostile Trump administration
Stuck for a last minute gift idea? We have six great solutions for the arts (and leather) aficionado in your life
Visually and aurally enchanting, this is storytelling as magical dream. You've never seen Melville quite like this.
There’s little reason for Star Wars: Rogue One to exist other than to make Disney money. That said, it’s not terrible.