LGBT groups slam Trump's suggestion that allowing transgender people and women to serve is "political correctness"
You won't believe who this coverboy's first gay crush was!
Women Artists from the Rubell Family Collection at National Museum of Women in the Arts
Olney and Round House join forces for an Angels in America that speaks as much to the present as it does to the past
Julie Kent will toast The Washington Ballet's legacy and future this Friday at the Kennedy Center
Clinton dominated and Trump fell short, as LGBT Democrats and Republicans react to Monday's momentous debate
In Cloud 9, Caryl Churchill toys with gender, class, and time to spectacular effect
Tim Burton's latest is not peculiar enough
Democratic candidate says anti-LGBT law sends a message to some people that "you're not really wanted"
Alton Brown serves up what he loves to eat most in his latest cookbook, EveryDayCook.
Strict voter ID laws could prevent trans people in 8 states from voting in November
Our favorite moments from the biggest political event in a generation
20 black LGBT leaders discuss the new African American history museum
Sense and Sensibility's intelligent silliness will create theatergoers for life
Tor Miller's New York state of mind shines brilliantly on his impressive, soul-enriched debut