Netflix is dedicated to LGBT content -- and that includes its original series
Gov. John Bel Edwards says order balances religious freedom and LGBT rights
The couple sued the local government after it failed to recognize their relationship as a marriage
"Gay gene" carried by straight men and women, ensuring gay people will continue to be born
Therapists could cite not only religious beliefs, but moral principles, in refusing to treat clients
LGBT travelers love to take cruises. According to Community Marketing Inc.’s most recently published “LGBT Tourism and Hospitality Survey,” 16 percent of U.S. LGBT travelers took...
With one mega-hit series under her belt, a new one about to launch, and a just-released album, RuPaul has never been more in demand
Olney Theatre takes on a classic made famous by Hitchcock, "Dial 'M' for Murder"
Hugs Not Drugs (Or Both)
Smithers' big coming out story is a rushed, messy affair, but it treats his sexuality with welcome nonchalance
HRC's endorsement of a Republican senator has set off a firestorm of criticism
Try our simple juicing recipes for an early morning kick-start, midday boost, or tasty hangover cure!
Also on the ticket for the June 12 concert, Charlie Puth
Smithers finally gets his gay day on The Simpsons
Carter brings her acclaimed show, "Long-Legged Woman," back for an encore round