How to eat sushi in a way that respects the tradition of the culinary craft
Omar Sharif, Jr. and Andrew Goldstein share their personal stories about coming out, and how they hope to inspire the next generation of young LGBT...
Lawyers for Kentucky clerk Kim Davis have filed a brief asking that a federal appeals court reverse decisions against Davis that eventually resulted in her...
Equality advocates still figuring out how to win for future fights, says Freedom for All Americans head
The Fairfax County School Board will retain a pro-LGBT majority following Tuesday’s elections, which saw 7 of 8 incumbents who had voted for trans-inclusive nondiscrimination...
After millions of dollars spent by both parties to flip seats in the Virginia Senate, the makeup of the upper chamber remains unchanged, while Democrats made very modest...
Sally Field has had enough of the constant misinformation emanating from opponents of Houston’s HERO legislation. The city will vote tomorrow on whether to retain...
A slim majority of members of the Northern Ireland Assembly voted in favor of marriage equality on Monday, only to have the Assembly’s largest party...
Claims conservatives need to outlast the "gay revolution" to win the marriage fight
Support for Davis has increased in her home state, but decreased nationwide, polls say
Houston's anti-discrimination measure HERO faces voters next week
Assassin's Creed Syndicate fixes a lot of its predecessors problems, though its London setting can awe and annoy in equal measure
Jessica Walton seized upon a simple idea after a revelation in her family. When her father came out as transgender, eventually transitioning to become Tina, his...
American Horror Story grand dame Denis O’Hare spills his guts about coming out, working in horror and heels, and life on the set with Lady...
It's the latest in a number of similarly brutal murders of men suspected of being gay by ISIS fighters