”I feel like it’s one of the greatest achievements of our career,” says Keegan Theatre’s Susan Rhea of the company’s current production of Hair. ”I...
With congressional Democrats seeking to force a vote on immigration reform in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives through the use of a discharge petition, the...
Same-sex couples legally married in Michigan, prior to the intervention of a federal appeals court, had any rights associated with their nuptials suspended Wednesday. According...
The Obama administration confirmed Monday a series of cuts in aid to Uganda in response to the recent enactment of an anti-LGBT law by the...
There’s a lot of pressure when buying a car. You’ve got the obvious choices: make, model, color, body style, whether there’s enough space for your...
We don't glamorize physics. Whether theoretical or experimental, there's very little recognition of the incredible, fascinating work that those dedicated to either side of the...
There is no argument: Lily Tomlin loves show business. And that love has driven her from stage to screen and back again, countless times. With...
Earlier this month, I shared a post on my Facebook wall regarding Dmitry Kiselyov. The post was critical of the anti-Western, anti-LGBT Kiselyov, taking what...
''Bach is my favorite composer, hands down,'' Chase Maggiano says, when asked what he listens to in his spare time. But in addition to baroque...
Center stage is quite possibly the last place you'll find Chris Svoboda. While she's had a hand in multiple efforts over the years, she's made...
A few years ago filmmaker Eytan Fox was flipping TV channels in his Berlin hotel room when he stumbled on the Eurovision Song Contest. ''Suddenly,...
Some might argue that animals don't belong in close confines with humans, that the wild is more suitable for paws, fins, beaks and claws. While...
Someone you know is a sex worker. Historian Melinda Chateauvert cites that slogan, from a San Francisco health and advocacy organization, in her new book...
Janet Mock's memoir, Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More, came out this month. As for Mock, she came out...
It's the one area of public policy that still prompts giggles and bad jokes about junk-food cravings, but the push to reform the nation's laws...
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