Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "featured"

  • Hair Apparent

    ”I feel like it’s one of the greatest achievements of our career,” says Keegan Theatre’s Susan Rhea of the company’s current production of Hair. ”I...

  • Amid House intransigence, Democrats could attempt to force ENDA vote

    With congressional Democrats seeking to force a vote on immigration reform in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives through the use of a discharge petition, the...

  • Michigan suspends recognition of legally married same-sex couples

    Same-sex couples legally married in Michigan, prior to the intervention of a federal appeals court, had any rights associated with their nuptials suspended Wednesday. According...

  • Obama administration takes action against Uganda for anti-LGBT law

    The Obama administration confirmed Monday a series of cuts in aid to Uganda in response to the recent enactment of an anti-LGBT law by the...

  • Fueling Efficiency

    There’s a lot of pressure when buying a car. You’ve got the obvious choices: make, model, color, body style, whether there’s enough space for your...

  • Film: Particle Fever

    We don't glamorize physics. Whether theoretical or experimental, there's very little recognition of the incredible, fascinating work that those dedicated to either side of the...

  • Tales of the Tomlin

    There is no argument: Lily Tomlin loves show business. And that love has driven her from stage to screen and back again, countless times. With...

  • Washington as the Globe’s Gay Capital

    Earlier this month, I shared a post on my Facebook wall regarding Dmitry Kiselyov. The post was critical of the anti-Western, anti-LGBT Kiselyov, taking what...

  • Choral Connector

    ''Bach is my favorite composer, hands down,'' Chase Maggiano says, when asked what he listens to in his spare time. But in addition to baroque...

  • Supporting Player

    Center stage is quite possibly the last place you'll find Chris Svoboda. While she's had a hand in multiple efforts over the years, she's made...

  • The Fantastic Mr. Fox

    A few years ago filmmaker Eytan Fox was flipping TV channels in his Berlin hotel room when he stumbled on the Eurovision Song Contest. ''Suddenly,...

  • The Pets Issue

    Some might argue that animals don't belong in close confines with humans, that the wild is more suitable for paws, fins, beaks and claws. While...

  • Sexual Union

    Someone you know is a sex worker. Historian Melinda Chateauvert cites that slogan, from a San Francisco health and advocacy organization, in her new book...

  • Mighty Real: Janet Mock

    Janet Mock's memoir, Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More, came out this month. As for Mock, she came out...

  • Mulling Over Marijuana

    It's the one area of public policy that still prompts giggles and bad jokes about junk-food cravings, but the push to reform the nation's laws...